Laura Ellyn Smith

D.Phil. in History

Dr Laura Ellyn Smith is a presidential historian. Her second doctorate analyzes the development of presidential power in foreign policy at the turn of the 20th century. She has a book under contract entitled, "Rhetoric versus Reality: Democratization and the Presidential Election of 1832," based on her first doctorate. 

She has taught over 20 different courses on U.S. History, Politics, and International Relations across 4 universities in the U.K. and the U.S., and supervised undergraduate dissertations. Canterbury Christ Church University students nominated her for two teaching awards. She is the recipient of the Philip Davies Fellowship at The British Library.

She has had eight peer-reviewed journal articles published, is collaborating on edited book projects, and enjoys writing op-eds, and being interviewed on U.S. Politics, including on BBC News.

Her work is available through Women Also Know History and her ORCiD page.

You can also connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.