Robert Saldin is a Professor of Political Science and the Director of The Mansfield Center's Ethics and Public Affairs Program at the University of Montana. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center in Washington, DC. Saldin's research lies at the nexus of American political development, institutions, and public policy. He is the author of three books, Never Trump: The Revolt of the Conservative Elites (Oxford University Press, 2020) with co-author Steven Teles, When Bad Policy Makes Good Politics: Running the Numbers on Health Reform (Oxford University Press, 2017), and War, the American State, and Politics since 1898 (Cambridge University Press, 2011). His scholarly articles have appeared in academic journals such as The Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Political Science Quarterly, and Journal of Policy History. Saldin's work has also frequently appeared in popular press outlets including The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The New Republic, National Affairs, Washington Monthly, and The American Interest. Previously, he was a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar at Harvard University, the Patrick Henry Scholar at Johns Hopkins University, a Fellow at the Miller Center of Public Affairs, and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley's Institute of Governmental Studies.